Bloomberg | How Do You Stop Taking Recalled Medication If You Don’t Know It’s Been Recalled?

Bloomberg released an article titled, "How Do You Stop Taking Recalled Medication If You Don’t Know It’s Been Recalled?" following Bloomberg Business Week, "Carcinogens Have Infiltrated the Generic Drug Supply in the U.S." The article highlights the following months after FDA's alert of ranitidine medicines containing NDMA and the countries that had pulled ranitidine from stores or halted its distribution.

View the full article via Bloomberg here.

How Other Governments Reacted to the Zantac Finding Before the FDA Issued Its Voluntary Recall on Nov. 1

Bloomberg | How Do You Stop Taking Recalled Medication If You Don’t Know It’s Been Recalled?

December 13, 2019

Bloomberg released an article titled, "How Do You Stop Taking Recalled Medication If You Don’t Know It’s Been Recalled?" following Bloomberg Business Week, "Carcinogens Have Infiltrated the Generic Drug Supply in the U.S." The article highlights the following months after FDA's alert of ranitidine medicines containing NDMA and the countries that had pulled ranitidine from stores or halted its distribution.

View the full article via Bloomberg here.

How Other Governments Reacted to the Zantac Finding Before the FDA Issued Its Voluntary Recall on Nov. 1

Bloomberg | How Do You Stop Taking Recalled Medication If You Don’t Know It’s Been Recalled?

Bloomberg released an article titled, "How Do You Stop Taking Recalled Medication If You Don’t Know It’s Been Recalled?" following Bloomberg Business Week, "Carcinogens Have Infiltrated the Generic Drug Supply in the U.S." The article highlights the following months after FDA's alert of ranitidine medicines containing NDMA and the countries that had pulled ranitidine from stores or halted its distribution.

View the full article via Bloomberg here.

How Other Governments Reacted to the Zantac Finding Before the FDA Issued Its Voluntary Recall on Nov. 1

Bloomberg released an article titled, "How Do You Stop Taking Recalled Medication If You Don’t Know It’s Been Recalled?" following Bloomberg Business Week, "Carcinogens Have Infiltrated the Generic Drug Supply in the U.S." The article highlights the following months after FDA's alert of ranitidine medicines containing NDMA and the countries that had pulled ranitidine from stores or halted its distribution.

View the full article via Bloomberg here.

How Other Governments Reacted to the Zantac Finding Before the FDA Issued Its Voluntary Recall on Nov. 1