Milken Institute Review | Fixing Generic Drugs With Voluntary Privatized Regulation

Larry Fisher, a former New York Times writer, reported in the Milken Institute Review raising concerns about the quality and safety of generic drugs due to a lack of government oversight. The Hatch-Waxman Act aimed at lowering drug prices inadvertently led to a race for profits, with 90% of U.S. drugs being generics. Issues include contamination, mislabeling, and a complex supply chain, mainly from India and China.

Independent solutions, like certification for drug purity and dosage, are proposed. Stanford professor Kevin Schulman's research in Nigeria found substandard blood pressure drugs. Valisure, an independent laboratory, conducts independent testing of drug quality and has its own pharmacy selling certified generics.

The article suggests individuals can protect themselves by asking for branded drugs, opting for certified generics, and envisions major retailers like Amazon or Walmart entering the market to offer safer drug options.

View the full article via Milken Institute Review.

Milken Institute Review | Fixing Generic Drugs With Voluntary Privatized Regulation

Larry Fisher, a former New York Times writer, reported in the Milken Institute Review raising concerns about the quality and safety of generic drugs due to a lack of government oversight. The Hatch-Waxman Act aimed at lowering drug prices inadvertently led to a race for profits, with 90% of U.S. drugs being generics. Issues include contamination, mislabeling, and a complex supply chain, mainly from India and China.

Independent solutions, like certification for drug purity and dosage, are proposed. Stanford professor Kevin Schulman's research in Nigeria found substandard blood pressure drugs. Valisure, an independent laboratory, conducts independent testing of drug quality and has its own pharmacy selling certified generics.

The article suggests individuals can protect themselves by asking for branded drugs, opting for certified generics, and envisions major retailers like Amazon or Walmart entering the market to offer safer drug options.

View the full article via Milken Institute Review.

Milken Institute Review | Fixing Generic Drugs With Voluntary Privatized Regulation

Larry Fisher, a former New York Times writer, reported in the Milken Institute Review raising concerns about the quality and safety of generic drugs due to a lack of government oversight. The Hatch-Waxman Act aimed at lowering drug prices inadvertently led to a race for profits, with 90% of U.S. drugs being generics. Issues include contamination, mislabeling, and a complex supply chain, mainly from India and China.

Independent solutions, like certification for drug purity and dosage, are proposed. Stanford professor Kevin Schulman's research in Nigeria found substandard blood pressure drugs. Valisure, an independent laboratory, conducts independent testing of drug quality and has its own pharmacy selling certified generics.

The article suggests individuals can protect themselves by asking for branded drugs, opting for certified generics, and envisions major retailers like Amazon or Walmart entering the market to offer safer drug options.

View the full article via Milken Institute Review.

Larry Fisher, a former New York Times writer, reported in the Milken Institute Review raising concerns about the quality and safety of generic drugs due to a lack of government oversight. The Hatch-Waxman Act aimed at lowering drug prices inadvertently led to a race for profits, with 90% of U.S. drugs being generics. Issues include contamination, mislabeling, and a complex supply chain, mainly from India and China.

Independent solutions, like certification for drug purity and dosage, are proposed. Stanford professor Kevin Schulman's research in Nigeria found substandard blood pressure drugs. Valisure, an independent laboratory, conducts independent testing of drug quality and has its own pharmacy selling certified generics.

The article suggests individuals can protect themselves by asking for branded drugs, opting for certified generics, and envisions major retailers like Amazon or Walmart entering the market to offer safer drug options.

View the full article via Milken Institute Review.