Bloomberg | Tainted Medication Fears Spur US Defense Department to Seek Outside Testing

Bloomberg first announced that Valisure entered into a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with the Department of Defense to generate objective drug quality data through independent chemical testing of certain drugs. Drug quality issues are the reason for the majority of drug shortages currently plaguing the nation.

View the full article via Bloomberg here.

Bloomberg | Tainted Medication Fears Spur US Defense Department to Seek Outside Testing

August 8, 2023

Bloomberg first announced that Valisure entered into a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with the Department of Defense to generate objective drug quality data through independent chemical testing of certain drugs. Drug quality issues are the reason for the majority of drug shortages currently plaguing the nation.

View the full article via Bloomberg here.

Bloomberg | Tainted Medication Fears Spur US Defense Department to Seek Outside Testing

Bloomberg first announced that Valisure entered into a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with the Department of Defense to generate objective drug quality data through independent chemical testing of certain drugs. Drug quality issues are the reason for the majority of drug shortages currently plaguing the nation.

View the full article via Bloomberg here.

Bloomberg first announced that Valisure entered into a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with the Department of Defense to generate objective drug quality data through independent chemical testing of certain drugs. Drug quality issues are the reason for the majority of drug shortages currently plaguing the nation.

View the full article via Bloomberg here.